The first thing most lenders look at when you want to buy a home is your credit history. If you don’t have credit card debt or take out loans, your credit history might be harder to establish. That could make it tough to find a lender who will work with you. But don’t give up,…
ICYMI: Mark Livingstone, President & Owner of Cornerstone First on The Don Kroah Show on WAVA 105.1FM / AM780. Part 1: Part 2: Mark Livingstone, President of Cornerstone First Financial, recaps the mortgage market for 2015 and projects for 2016 on the Don Kroah Show. The Don Kroah Show is one of the longest running…
According to the latest report from Fannie Mae, a pullback in economic policy uncertainty regarding fiscal and monetary policy issues is forecasted to lay the foundation for improved private sector activity and accelerated growth in 2014. For all of 2014, economic growth is expected to rise 2.9% from an estimated 2.6% in 2013. Read the…
The new regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said Wednesday he was delaying planned fee increases by the seized mortgage finance giants because he wanted to assess the impact on the housing market. Melvin L. Watt, who was sworn in as director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency on Monday, quickly showed there would…
The U.S. Senate has confirmed Janet Yellen to serve as the next chair of the Federal Reserve, after Ben Bernanke finishes his second term at the end of the month. Senators voted 56 to 26 in her favor, with many missing the vote because of inclement weather. Eleven Republicans broke party ranks, voting to support…